UA-145898182-1 Fees & Disclaimer - Bankruptcy Attorney Mobile

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Fees & Disclaimer


There is no fee for the initial consultation.

For Chapter 7, the court’s filing fee is $338.00.  Attorney’s fees vary, depending on what is involved, and I can quote an attorney’s fee at the initial consultation.  Filing fees and attorney’s fees must be paid in full before the Chapter 7 is filed.  Additional attorney’s fees or filing fees are rare, once the bankruptcy is filed.  These circumstances are set out in the retainer agreement.

For Chapter 13, the court’s filing fee is $313.00.  Attorney’s fees vary, depending on what is involved, and I can quote an attorney’s fee at the initial consultation.  Both the filing fee and attorney’s fee are paid through the plan, not before the Chapter 13 is filed.  Details will be set out in the retainer agreement.

For both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, you must prepay for the credit counseling course, and the course must be completed before the case is filed.  This is usually $30.00 for an individual, $35.00 for a joint case.  You must also complete a personal financial management course before the Court will issue a discharge at the end of the case, and this fee is about the same as for the credit counseling course.


This website contains general information only!  It is not intended, nor should it be used, as legal advice for yours or anyone’s specific situation.  I cannot be considered as your attorney unless you and I have entered into a written, signed retainer agreement.
The Alabama State Bar requires:  “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.”
The Bankruptcy Code requires:  “We are a debt relief agency.  We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.”

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